Objective To investigate the characteristic parameters for the assessment of quantitative cervical vertebral maturation for adolescents with normal occlusion. 目的探讨颈椎骨龄定量分期常用的敏感参数。
Survey of prevalence of decayed teeth in 1186 children in Changjiang County Three-dimensional Analysis of Palatal Growth in Deciduous Anterior Crossbite Malocclusion Comparing with Normal Occlusion 昌江县1186例儿童龋齿调查情况分析乳牙期前牙反(牙合)与正常(牙合)儿童腭生长对比研究
Three-dimensional Analysis of Palatal Growth in Deciduous Anterior Crossbite Malocclusion Comparing with Normal Occlusion The baby's first front teeth are just coming through. 乳牙期前牙反(牙合)与正常(牙合)儿童腭生长对比研究那孩子的门牙刚长出来。
Conclusion: Predicting the tooth size of cuspid and bicuspid group in malocclusion can't simply follow the law of normal occlusion. 结论:临床上对错尖牙、双尖牙组的预测不能简单等同于正常。
McNamara Cephalometric Analysis in Tianjin Adults with Normal Occlusion 天津地区正常(牙合)成人x线头影测量McNamara分析
Conclusion The development of maxilla and mandible is coordinated in individual with normal occlusion. 结论正常牙合个体的上、下颌骨是协调发育的。
Study on Mesiodistal Tooth Size and the Relationship between upper and Lower Teeth Dimension of Normal Occlusion from Han People in Xi an; Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Measurement of the Edentulous Adult's Mandible 西安地区正常(牙合)牙冠宽度测量及上下颌牙量相关性研究牙列缺损成人下颌骨的CT三维重建和测量
Premature loss of deciduous tooth or teeth can often destroy the integrity of normal occlusion. 过早得到乳牙或牙齿往往可以摧毁完好的正常咬合。
The Comparative Study on the Palatal Morphology of Children in the Mixed Dentition between Normal Occlusion and Angle Class ⅱ Division 1 Malocclusion 替牙期正常牙合与安氏Ⅱ~1错(牙合)儿童腭部形态的比较研究
Objective: To study character mandibular movement tracings during mandibular protrusion in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite and compare the difference with normal occlusion. 目的:探讨单侧后牙反牙合髁突前伸运动轨迹的特征并比较与正常牙合之间的差异。
Objective: To assess occlusal contacts of normal occlusion in the muscular contact position and the retruded contact position. 目的:研究正常肌接触位及下颌后退接触位咬合接触的基本规律。
Objective To obtain and analyze the characteristics of the lingual arch forms of Guangxi Zhuang adolescents with normal occlusion. 闭塞和动脉瘤形成。三语教育三题目的得出壮族正常牙合青少年的舌侧弓形图并分析其舌侧弓形特点。
Objective To study the variations of the measurement data of the facial height and mandibular position between the patients with edentulous jaws and the people with normal occlusion by means of cephalometric roentgenography. 目的采用X线头影测量方法,研究无牙颌患者与正常牙合人间面部高度、下颌位置等有关测量数据的差异。
Purpose To analyse the characteristics of mandibular incisor point chewing movement on frontal plane orbit in youth of normal occlusion. 目的分析正常(牙合)青少年下颌切点额状面咀嚼运动轨迹的特征。
Objective: To evaluate esthetic features and development characteristics of lateral profile of children with normal occlusion. 目的:评价正常少年儿童侧貌的美学特点和发言特征。
Objective To establish the normal values of cephalometry of children with normal occlusion and to study the development characteristic of cranium, jaw, and face. 目的:建立正常牙合儿童X线头影测量正常值标准,研究其颅颌面发育特征,将有利于错牙合的诊断分析。
The items which were larger than those of the normal occlusion were the convexity of the upper central incisors, the inclination of the lower central incisors, occlusion plane, palate plane, and mandible plane as well as the lower jaw angle and the nasolabial angle; 上中切牙突距、下中切牙倾斜度、牙合平面、腭平面、下颌平面倾斜度、下颌角及鼻唇角均较大;
Results: ( 1) The inclination of occlusion plane, mandibular plane and the curve of cervical vertebrae were all higher in mandibular deviation patients than those in normal occlusion persons. But the cervical vertebrae inclination was smaller in the patients. 结果:①下颌偏斜者咬合平面、下颌平面的陡度及颈椎弯曲度大于正常咬合者而颈椎倾斜度小于对照组,患者头呈前倾位;
The cephalometric study of mutual relationship between maxilla and mandible in children with normal occlusion 正常儿童上下颌相互关系的X线头影测量研究
Study of Condyle Movement in Normal Occlusion and Angle ⅰ Malocclusion 正常(牙合)与安氏Ⅰ类错(牙合)髁突运动的初步研究
Quantitative study on occlusal balance of normal occlusion in intercuspal position 正常(牙合)牙尖交错位咬合平衡的定量研究
PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship of the incisive alveolar structure and vertical facial type between osteal Class ⅲ malocclusion and normal occlusion. 目的:探讨骨性Ⅲ类错牙合和正常牙合切牙区牙槽骨的形态结构与垂直骨面型间的关系。
The model of forty cases of Angle ⅱ and the model of the forty cases of normal occlusion are measured by the system. The result of measurement are analysed with statistical method. 用本系统对选取的安氏Ⅱ类错合病例模型40例和正常合模型40例分别进行测量,并将测量结果进行统计学分析。
Measurement and Study of Dental Model on Normal Occlusion in Chongqing Teenagers 重庆地区正常(牙合)青少年牙颌模型测量研究
Objective: To study the correlation between craniofacial structure and cervical vertebrae posture of adult with normal occlusion. 目的:研究正常牙合成人的颅面结构与颈椎姿势的相关性。
Furthermore, the regression equations of mandibular contour variables of adults with normal occlusion from Han tribe in east-china were established ( P < 0.01). 同时建立了华东地区正常牙合汉族成年人下颌骨外形线变量的回归方程(P<0.01)。
Methods Cephalometric analysis, including frontal and lateral views, of 80 adults with normal occlusion from east-china was performed. 方法对80例华东地区正常牙合汉族成年人头颅定位正、侧位X线片进行头影测量分析,数据以SAS6.12统计软件进行分析。
To compare the three-dimensional differences of palatal morphology between Angle class ⅱ division 1 malocclusion and normal occlusion. 评价安氏Ⅱ1错牙合与正常牙合儿童腭部形态在三维方向上的差异。